Hays County Friends of the Night SKy is proud of the growing number of International Dark Sky Places and properties recognized by DarkSky International in Hays County!

Hays County International Dark Sky Places

Join Us

The award-winning International Dark Sky Paces (IDSP) Program was founded in 2001 to encourage communities, parks, reserves, sanctuaries, and urban night sky places around the world to preserve and protect dark sites through responsible lighting policies and public education.

Our partner, DarkSky Texas, has an established program to recognize quality efforts on the individual property or subdivision level too.

Join us and support the designation of even more places in Hays County that use smart lighting!

Earn the Be a Star Award!

Do you know of a stellar property in Texas that has Nature, Neighbor & Night-Skies Friendly Lighting?

The Be A Star Award, operated by our partner DarkSky Texas, rewards landowners who contribute to conservation efforts by protecting the night sky. To earn it they use outdoor lighting that eliminates glare, light trespass, and other forms of light pollution while at the same time helping them see better on their property. 

Submit your application thru our favorite partner, DarkSky Texas, by clicking on the Apply Today button below.

Strut your Texas stuff with the BE A STAR AWARD!